Resources I Like


Choose FI:  A solid podcast focused on all matters personal finance, with an emphasis on topics related to attaining financial independence.  Older episodes, with broader content, are more informative.

Planet Money:  NPR podcast about economics, finance, and other topics.  Most content is only tangetially related to personal finance, but it's usually quite informative.  


Mad Fientist:  Not updated often, but the content is always good.  Focused on reaching financial independence and how to lift after it is reached.

The Millionaire Educator:  Also not updated much, but the "free money" posts are simple and great to share with folks trying to get a baseline understanding of taxes and why tax avoidance is important.  

Mr. Money Moustache:  One moustached man's journey to financial independence.  The linked article, which takes about 2 minutes to read, is famous within the community.

The Points Guy:  Credit card rewards website.  It's sometimes hard to separate useful content from ads, but I've found the site to be a great starting point when selecting a credit card.

Stock Series by J.L. Collins:  Recommendations for stock investing and how to handle market downturns.  A quick and easy read.


Bogleheads:  Passive-investing focused advice from the followers of Vanguard founder, Jack Bogle.  Sophisticated discussions with lots of math.

r/churning:  The forum is formatted in such a way that it is useless.  But there are great resources available in the sidebar.  Best for those that want to really dive-in.

r/FinancialIndependence:  This is the best personal finance forum I've found online.   Most useful for those in the wealth building phase of life.  

r/PersonalFinance:  Extremely active forum.  A lot of useless posts to slog through, but by using the search feature, you can find questions and answers for just about any topic.